Bringing Baby Home – Gottman Workshop (Spring 2025)

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About Course

Designed for both pregnant parents and new parents, the 12.5-hour Bringing Baby Home Gottman Workshop will give you skills and information to recognize and cope successfully with the normal stressors of becoming a family.  Studies show that couples who took the BBH workshop maintained relationship satisfaction, experienced less hostility during conflict, and had a reduced rate of postpartum depression.

Having a baby reorients your identities and your responsibilities. We invite you to come together in a group setting to learn some relationship and parenting strategies, and what to expect with the changes that tend to occur. Set aside time to understand each other’s needs and feelings. This relationship-strengthening workshop is for those preparing for pregnancy, pregnant now, or parenting children 0-3 years old. Who is this workshop for?

  • Anyone wondering about how parenting a new baby will affect your carefully-crafted life together
  • Those having struggles in a relationship that involves parenting a new little person… Why didn’t anybody tell you it was going to be this hard?
  • Those missing the relationship you had, now that this new little person arrived in your life
  • Anyone wanting to build a better relationship in your new roles as parents
  • Anyone who has been looking for a couples therapist and having trouble finding someone: Have you looked into the Gottman Method and found yourself thinking that it might work for you?

If any of the above categories make sense, this workshop may be for you! This five-week series, which you both attend together online, is all about you and your relationship… as you explore together, you’ll be learning about each other, building tools, strengthening your friendship, working on repairs, and getting “good enough” at this relationship stuff.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Increase friendship in your relationship
  • Learn to repair when there are disagreements and relationship ruptures
  • Deal effectively with conflict
  • Involve each parent/caregiver in infant care and parenting
  • Improve the quality of parent-infant interaction
  • Recognize the psychological and emotional needs of your child

Course Content

Week 1: Building a Strong Foundation
During this course, we’ll have an intimate group experience, where we have some learning/lecture, some group discussions, and a lot of individual couples exercises.

  • Introduction and Agenda
  • Session 1: Building a Strong Foundation
  • Week 1: Review and Homework

Week 2: Positivity and Connection
In this session, we'll be focusing on some really good relationship skills like filling up each other's emotional bank account, expressing needs, turning toward each other, and much more!

Week 3: Navigating Conflict
It wouldn't be a relationship course if we didn't cover a really important part of getting along: working through conflict. Buckle up. This information is simply life-changing.

Week 4: From Me to We to Family
In this session, we'll work through some more really important pieces of the conflict puzzle, and expand on some family and parenting concepts.

Week 5: Parenting and Intimacy
For our last gathering, we'll be expanding even more on parenting and big relationship concepts, including intimacy. We'll also discuss Postpartum Mood Disorders.

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